Wednesday, September 24, 2014

I May or May Not Drink Twenty Cups of Coffee a Day

Hi y'all! 
This is something I've wanted to do for the longest time and never really knew how to approach, but here we are finally (!!!)

I'm excited to announce the official launch of my newest life venture, entitled 'The Jessie Trager Project', which will chronicle my life, happenings at Northeastern and in Boston, things I'm crushing on, and various other stuff that just kinda happens in my brain and spills over onto my blog. I've been working on this for some time now, putting together designs on paper and formatting them in html, as well as planning out a month's worth of blog posts just in case I need something quick on the fly. And here we are!

For those of you who know me, my life has the tendency to be a bit crazy. I'm currently going through an ENTIRE life upheaval which has brought on SO much stress and illness (yes, I did indeed catch a horrible cold AND pink eye thanks to everything going on). 

*a bit of history*

Since high school, I've been set on taking a Pre-Med undergrad track and then going on to medical school to become a surgeon. Over time, I grew out of this set life plan, but seeing as I've never been a fan of change, it took me forever to admit to myself that I truly did not want to follow this path anymore. I've finally spent some time soul searching and have decided it's time for a change. As of right now, I'm still technically a Biology major, but I am planning on switching to Business Administration with concentrations in Marketing and Entrepreneurship. (Disclaimer: this could TOTALLY change in a week. I'm also considering Communications or possibly International Business.)

So here we are! I'm 18, a little bit lost but always willing to wander to find my way, and as always, impatient to see what life has in store.

For those of you who don't know me, here are the top ten things you should know about me.
  1. When I say "I'm an avid lover of all things social media", I mean it. I spend so much time on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, YouTube... You name it and I've used it. My next venture after this blog is to start my YouTube channel and start vlogging! 
  2. I haven't eaten meat in 3 months now! This past summer I made the choice to stop eating meat, mainly for health reasons but also because my lovely friend Jess introduced me to the documentary 'Earthlings' which really opened my eyes to mistreatment of animals across the world. (I've provided the hookup, go watch it, it's mind-blowing.)
  3. I attend Northeastern University and am very involved in university affairs. I currently am a part of Husky Ambassadors which is the student organization that works with admissions to coordinate campus tours and staff the Visitor Center. I volunteer there, I work there, I hang out there, sometimes I feel that I live there. Ironically enough I live in the residence hall attached to the visitor center... Coincidence? Nope. This past summer I also worked with Northeastern's New Student Orientation Office as an orientation leader (which I'll go into more in another bullet point).
  4. Spotify is life. If you don't know what Spotify is or have never used it, I feel bad for you.
  5. My latest obsession has been YouTube (as I mentioned earlier, I'm totes interested in starting my own channel)! I'm currently crushing on Connor Franta, and some of my all time faves are Tyler Oakley, Troye Sivan, Zoella, and as always, the Green Brothers.
  6. Through a bunch of these YouTubers, I've learned about some pretty cool things out in the world that I'm totally addicted to right now. Current faves? Warby Parker and NatureBox. Other really cool things out in the world right now? CoffeeBars! As someone who may or may not drink 20 cups of coffee a day (where my Starbucks people at?!) this new product is super duper exciting to me. A few guys at my university came up with a way to eat your coffee that is healthy and absolutely delicious (I have sampled, and can confirm). They're on KickStarter, go check 'em out (I provided the hookup)! I will definitely write a post sometime in the near future about all the cool products and things I'm loving and what they're all about, so look out for that. Plus, I'll always provide the hookups!
  7. As I mentioned earlier, this past summer I had the incredible opportunity to stay in Boston and work as an orientation leader for my university. It was such a life-changing experience, I don't even know how to describe it. I made some incredible friends (shout out to my coworkers, they're all lovely human beings) and got to personally welcome about 150 freshmen from Northeastern's 117th entering class to our wonderful campus! I would definitely consider this a defining experience in my life. I count myself very lucky to have been afforded this opportunity, and will probably be including it on my resume even when I'm a gazillion years old.
  8. I watch ENTIRELY too much TV, mainly through Netflix, and the list of shows I watch is HUGE. Current faves? The Walking Dead, Parks and Rec, Bob's Burgers, Game of Thrones, and Grey's Anatomy. All-time faves? Doctor Who, Torchwood, Supernatural, Sherlock, LOST, House, Orange Is The New Black, Law and Order: SVU, Breaking Bad, Gossip Girl, and Skins. I have yet to start in on House of Cards, but that's up next... 
  9. I have three younger brothers, Will (16), Ben (14), and Sam (9). They're annoying as heck but I love 'em <3 
  10. I tend to have strong stances on some issues in the world today. A list of things I feel strongly about: feminism and women's rights, gay rights, animal rights, and the amount of money spent on the US's Dept of Defense (also police brutality).
I'll try to update twice a week, so look out for new blog posts coming to you soon!

Wanna stay connected in the meantime? Look out for me on social media! I posted all the links above (where I talk about how addicted I am; it's a real problem). 

Until next time, love y'all, bye!

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