I feel like it has become a recurring thing for me to apologize at the beginning of my posts, and I'm not about to break that trend apparently. My apologies for the week off last week! I had exams to study for, papers to write, and a few things to take care of in my personal life that barred me from writing. This week though I am back and better than ever!
The most important thing on my mind currently is NOVEMBER PROJECT. It's all me and my friends have been talking about for weeks now, and the big day is tomorrow! Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, the tribe meets to take on crazy workouts and hug out our frustrations. This week at Harvard Stadium, we will be taking Yearbook Photos! It's our biggest recruitment day of the year, and we're hoping to get 3014 people in our 16 cities across the US and now the world. Be one of those people and #justshowup. I promise it'll be the best part of your day.
Okay, now that I've put a recruitment blast out... Projects! A while back I mentioned a couple of projects I was working on that I was excited about but couldn't talk about yet. I'm ecstatic that I can finally talk about them!
First off, I will be guest blogging for Northeastern's Career Development blog in the near future (I think I've mentioned that one briefly before). Look out for a post from me about how one student organization helped me to develop my leadership capabilities and how I can translate these skills to the workplace and future careers.
Secondly, I was contacted a while back about a writing opportunity through the Northeastern Admissions office. This opportunity entailed me writing a letter detailing all the amazing opportunities Northeastern has to offer and how I've taken advantage of these opportunities and created a home for myself here at Northeastern. This letter, now complete after a couple of stages of editing, will be sent to each and every student accepted into Northeastern University. For all you out there thinking of applying, or perhaps you already have applied, be on the look out for a letter from yours truly in your acceptance packages! The only thing I'm left wondering is, can I put this on my resume somehow?
Next, I've now verbally committed to running a half-marathon at this time next year. I know, I know... Something's wrong with me and I must be out of my mind. But for some reason, I have a huge drive to do this. I've never shied from a challenge, and what with joining November Project and motivating myself to get back in shape, I found myself wanting to do as so many of my friends have been doing and take on a half marathon. I've gotten so into the fitness movement that I even ordered myself a new pair of sneakers (they're GORGEOUS) and I was excited about it? I'm a lover of footwear of all shapes and sizes but sneakers aren't usually my thing. So for me to be this excited over a simple pair of sneakers, well... You know I'm serious about this.
Finally, I'm moving forward with my YouTube channel with a special thanks to my friend Nick for his brilliant brainstorming and constant support! 'The Quirky College Kitchen' has no set start date as of yet, but I've started writing up video ideas and heads up, a collab with Nick is highly likely for the near future. Think of the channel as a cooking show slash video diary slash talk show slash college inside scoop.
In other news? Halloweekend was amazing! I kicked some asses as Kim Possible this year, which needless to say has been one of my better Halloween costumes throughout the years (pretty sure I didn't even dress up at all last year...) Saturday, Nick and I roasted pumpkin seeds, made pumpkin soup, laughed until we cried over this picture:
Not only that, but it snowed on Sunday! Literally no better way to kick off my favorite month than with my favorite kind of weather. We're moving into winter and it has me over the moon (did someone say peppermint mocha and ski season??!?!!!)
In honor of my favorite season, I was *going* to present my Top 5 Songs for the week with Christmas themed music, but then I remembered that since I've been AWOL for almost 2 weeks, I haven't talked about Tay's 1989 yet! So here's my top 5 fave songs off the album (although let's be real, they're all perfect).
- Style
- How You Get The Girl
- Clean
- All You Had To Do Was Stay
- I Know Places
In other musical news: Beyonce is dropping a new platinum album/anthology thing? New Bey music right before my birthday?? And also One Direction??? This birth month is shaping up to be a good one.
Usually I save the end of my posts to be a shameless self-promotion, but this week I'm gonna promote my girl Jill. My cousin's been writing since probably before she could talk and she's brilliant at it. She and I have both struggled with our share of mental health problems and to this day still have our issues. We've each found our outlets over time, and hers has always been writing. Now she's launched her own blog and y'all should go check it out! I've provided the link here.
I'll wrap up by giving you guys some photos of my last few weeks - including HA Field Day, LinkedIn shenanigans (thank you Xander), and Illuminus Boston.
Until next time, love y'all, bye!
Tay > Bey