Thursday, October 16, 2014

Amputating My Arms

Hey y'all!

Today's post is gonna be an update/storytelling/fun-filled rambling sort of post because of everything amazing and wonderful happening just this week in my life (EVERYTHING IS HAPPENING SO FAST).

Where do I even start?

How about Top 5 Songs of the Week, because with everything going on I've needed some motivation music to pump me up:

  1. Million Voices // Otto Knows
  2. Run the World (Girls) // Beyonce
  3. BO$$ // Fifth Harmony
  4. I Lived / One Republic
  5. Shut Up and Dance // Walk the Moon
I've been nonstop moving this week for a number of reasons (I'll explain shortly, I promise) and these songs have been on repeat in addition to my playlist 'Motivation Mix' on Spotify. Feeling down? Power through with kickass music; it is the MOST beneficial thing you could possibly do.

Okay, so, what have I been up to, you ask? 

I'll start with Sunday, when my best friend Anna came to visit me here in Boston! As I assume a lot of you know, Sunday was the Season 5 premiere of The Walking Dead (!!!!!!!) and she came to stay with me pretty much just so we could watch it together. I know. We're nerds. And also lame. Whatever.

Of course, we did other things as well! We went to the Museum of Fine Arts on Monday, which was MIND-BLOWING as I've never been there before. I probably stared at the Van Gogh's and Monet's for a solid 40 minutes and would've stayed longer except Anna had to catch a train. 

As you saw from my last post, I'm not a fan of being alone and even though I have more personal coping strategies now, I still like having my friends around as much as possible. I hadn't seen Anna since the end of August and seeing her this weekend was exactly the recharge I needed to power through another month of college. Thanks for being my everything, I don't have a clue what I would do without you.

Another Monday happening was my first ever November Project workout! Now, I'm not one to workout. I pretty much hate it. I'll take ice cream and Netflix in bed over a simple run literally all the time. But I'm starting to get to a weird age where eating anything I want isn't making me put on weight, but if I continue building certain habits now it'll result in unhealthy habits for the rest of my life. So I figured I should start exercising so that I can form that habit and have that going for me for the rest of my life (hopefully). 

For those of you unfamiliar with November Project, watch this:

Now that I've actually experienced one of these workouts I can honestly say, it's everything they promise and more. Monday morning I got myself up at 5 in the morning and drank maybe 3 cups of coffee because y'all know I canNOT wake up early. I broke out my workout gear, which has pretty much never seen the light of day, and jogged over to Marino Rec Center to meet up with my friend Xander who talked me into going. The workout starts at 6:30 and consisted of a bunch of different exercises. The main workout this specific Monday was 7 straight minutes of burpees. I'm still, 3 days later, incredibly sore and looking into amputation options for my arms. 

No matter how much I despised working out, this was definitely the best thing I've done for myself in awhile and it was so incredibly satisfying. The community is super positive (imagine being greeted at 6:30am with bear hugs) and I can't wait to do it all over again next week. I'm going to attempt to make it to all the workouts each week, but with 8 ams, we'll see. (Wednesdays are Harvard Stadium, which I can't WAIT to take on.)

Other things? I've never interviewed for anything before and on Wednesday I held a mock interview with my co-op adviser and slayed! Nerves ain't got nothin' on me.

I also met with my career development adviser and have officially decided on a major of Business Administration with Concentrations in Marketing and Entrepreneurship (geez that's a mouthful). I'm so incredibly excited you guys, you don't even know. I'm filing the necessary forms this week and hopefully by next week at this time I will officially be a business student! 

Also, by visiting career services, I have been given an opportunity to guest blog on the Northeastern Career Development blog site! My adviser got me talking, and inevitably I brought up social media. When she heard I was a student blogger myself in addition to be the resident social media gal, she was more than happy to put me in touch with the woman in charge of running that blog. I'll let you know when that becomes a more concrete thing!

And as always,  I'm keeping myself incredibly scheduled at all hours of the day, so I'm either in class, cleaning or cooking, working, or now working out. I would put sleeping in there as well but ain't nobody got time for that.

I think that my next post is going to be a compilation of a bunch of cool things I've either seen or used or heard about so look out for that later this week. Other than that, thanks for keeping up with me lovelies! As always, follow me on social media (shameless self-promotion say whaaaaatttt): my handle is @jessieetrager on everything :)

Until next time, love y'all, bye!

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